Sunrise over Yacabba (Port Stephens) - Image by Navman |
We were up at 0530hrs for a bite of breakfast. After doing our prechecks we left the marina just before sunrise and continued on our way north.
It was a beautiful morning to be on the ocean, with a clear sun reflecting from majestic cliffs and sweeping deserted beaches.
We saw dolphins playing on the edge of our wake, and a pod of whales.
Up ahead we could see a massive cloud bank hanging over the land like a giant white doona. Fortunately it cleared by the time we arrived there.
A perfect day on the ocean - Image by Navman |
We were averaging an exhilarating 18-19 knots all morning and the time passed as quickly as the beautiful headlands, lighthouses and beaches.
Mid-morning we slowed to 8 knots and went down off the flybridge to make morning tea and have a short break.
While we were having our coffee, another pod of dolphins decided to join us for a while and it was wonderful to see them launch themselves from the water, obviously enjoying themselves playing in our pressure waves.
The wind and waves dropped off even more in the afternoon and the miles fell away.
By 1600hrs we were off Coffs Harbour and we rang ahead to set up to receive fuel and organise a marina berth. By 1615hrs Captain Bligh had put us alongside the fuel berth. As expected, someone was there to meet us. What was not expected was the $165 surcharge for "out of hours service". This was apparently a non-negotiable fee for any boat having the temerity to show up at the fuel berth after 3:30pm (1530hrs). We were absolutely stunned. It was not as if it was midnight, and the guy was there already, so what was the problem? Anyway, we were not about to pay such highway robbery, so we left the attendant on the wharf.
Endless Summer sunset - Image by Navman |
Over we went to the Coffs Harbour Marina, which is adjacent but is a separate business to the fuel wharf. What a difference in service we got here. "Elise" came down from the Marina Office to help us tie up, and after we related our tale of woe about the fuel wharf, she offered to loan us a ute to go into town with our drums so that we could get enough diesel to get to the next fuel port (Yamba). Wow!! She also organised a trolley for us and made arrangements so that we could get away early tomorrow. We were all just blown away with excellent service. Might I suggest that Coffs Harbour needs more people like Elise, people who actually recognise what a real customer looks like.
Make sure you plan to visit Coffs Harbour marina. There are restaurants and facilities close by. The marina is a bit old fashioned, but so is the service. You won't be disappointed.
Coffs Harbour Marina is one of the Star Marinas. Their web site is:
http://www.coffsharbourmarina.com.au/ I can highly recommend their service.
Dinner tonight was chicken and vegetables, cooked Asian style with my special spicy sauce, on a bed of Hokien noodles. The crew seemed to like it, and everyone had seconds. Captain Bligh and Sea-Dog even did the washing up!
So tomorrow we are up early again. The plan at this stage is to get more fuel at Yamba, which was not on our original journey plan. We will then proceed up the final bit of the New South Wales coast and cross into (we hope) sunny Queensland.
By then we will have had three consecutive big days, and I think that we will all need a couple of quiet days so that we don't get overly tired. More about that later.
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Sweet dreams,