Thursday, April 26, 2012

Back off the Slip....

Today we brought Endless Summer back off the slip and back to her home jetty. She is all clean and polished, antifouled and the loo works again after we found a large oyster blocking the raw water inlet.

Slipping a vessel is a very old practice. The erudite Sea-Dog brought to my attention a passage written in 730BC  where the Greek poet Hesiod says:
"Haul up your ship upon the land, and pack it closely with stones all round to keep off the power of the winds....and draw out the bilge plug so that the rain of heaven may not rot it."

From this...
However, having your "ship upon the land" isn't really what boating is all about, and later in the same passage Hesiod continues:
"...wait until the season for sailing is come, and then haul your swift ship down to the sea and stow a convenient cargo in it, so that you may bring home profit...".

Well, our "season for sailing" is almost upon us, with only a few weeks to go before we finally head north in our "swift ship". I think that Endless Summer's "convenient cargo" will be some fishing gear and a few good bottles of red wine, and our "profit"  shall not be measured in dollars, but in the joy of being on a wide and beautiful ocean....

To this, check out the shiny new anode!

Tomorrow the boat mechanic is coming to do a service and for a final check of the engine alignment. We also need to check the generator which has become cranky lately when running unloaded. Hopefully it's nothing serious....

Until next time,


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